Orbit HD Mop and Strip
DESCRIPTION Penetrates & Solubalizes floor finish on contact. Orbit is designed to be the ultimate in a truly heavy duty stripper for use as a "Mop & Strip" or a conventional stripper. Orbit is a highly concentrated, non-ammoniated "reliquefying" stripper designed for immediate and complete removal of floor finish with little or no agitation. The solvents and surfactants in Orbit act to dissolve or emulsify the cured finish while the zinc bonds are being attacked by other components in the formula. DIRECTIONS For use a scrubless stripper: Mix 1 part concentrate with 3-5 parts water. Mop on and let stand 3-5 minutes. Some agitation with a mop prevents spot drying and aids in finish removal. Wet vac or mop up and rinse with clean water. For use as a conventional stripper: with aid of agitation, mix 1 part concentrate with 16 parts water. DO NOT ALLOW SOLUTION TO DRY ON FLOOR.