No Brown Anti Browning Agent
DESCRIPTION No-Brown is a specially designed chelating agent developed to prevent the precipition of alkaline earth metals (calcium, magnesium, water hardness and iron.) These are the impurities in the cleaning system (both soil and water) that can result in browning and yellowing of light and pastel colored fabrics. It is much easier to prevent browning than to remove the discoloration even though No-Brown will, in most cases, reverse the reaction. Therefore, if you suspect a problem, add the No-Brown to the water used in making up your cleaning solution. DIRECTIONS Add 1-2 ounces of No Brown to each gallon of water, then add your detergent. As a spray, add 4 ounces of No Brown per gallon of water. Spray the carpet before or after cleaning. If spraying after cleaning, do so while carpet is still wet.