Mercury Floor Stripper
This heavy duty stripper has ben specially formulated to give fast, deep stripping action to all floor waxes and finishes. It is particularly effective in stripping detergent resistant metal interlock polymer finishes. This product is designed for use on floor only. Due to its concentration and chemical formulation it is to be used according to recommendations and not for general cleaning purposes, not is it intended for the cleaning of all floors with removal of finish. Save Time and Labor Penetrates & Solubilizes Floor Finish on Contact
DIRECTIONS Dilute 10:1 with hot or warm water. Mop or spray diluted solution over the floor and allow to soak for several minutes for proper chemical action. After soaking period, scrub floor with stripping pad. Do not allow stripped product to dry on floor. Pick up wet vac or mop. Rinse well by flooding with clear water and pick up with wet vac or mop. Follow immediately with clear water rinse. Do not allow solution to dry on floor.