Blizzard Performance Plus
Performance Plus is a new concept in detergent formulation with
properties not available in other cleaners. It will out-clean the
most rugged cleaners. The most difficult soils are quickly and
safely removed. Performance Plus contains super wetters to
insure rapid and complete rinsing. Performance Plus contains a
flouro-protectant, that forms a coating to produce a brilliant shine
and reduce resoiling. Each washing will enhance the shine and
increase the protection, minimizing or eliminating the need for
polishing and waxing. Water will actually bead-up. Performance
Plus has a pleasant scent and odor destroying properties.
To degrease engines: Spray concentrate on warm engine
and rinse with a garden hose.
General Cleaning: 2-4 ounces per gallon of water.
As a Heavy Duty Spray and Wipe Cleaner: Mix 1 part
Performance Plus with 10 parts water and use as a General All
Purpose Cleaner. Removes grease, oil, mildew, mold, soap scum
and heavy soil from showers, tubs, sinks, stoves, refrigerators,
plastic, vinyl, rubber roofs, boat canvas, and awnings.
Manual cleaning of Buses, Trucks, Boats, and Autos: Mix a
solution at the rate of 2-4 ounces of Performance Plus per 1 gallon
of water. Using a sponge, cloth or brush, wash in the usual
manner. Rinse with clean water before solution dries on surface.
Quarry Tile Cleaner: 2-4 ounces per gallon of water. Tile and
Grout Cleaner: Mix 50:50 with water.